Wilhelm Rittmeier

Wilhelm Rittmeier
29.10.1851 (Weklitz ) - 04.09.1932 (Weklitz )

Family Rittmeyer

- Evaluation Examples of DNA-Project -

Wappen Familie Rittmeyer / Rittmeier

Wappen Vers. 1
Rittmeyer / Rittmeier
Ausgabe in deutscher Sprache Edition in English


This page shows typical evaluation examples of DNA family research results. The first two examples show results from FamilyTreeDNA. Graph 1 contains a list of all hits of a test-person (748) in the order of the total length of all common segments. In the present example, the mother of the proband is in the first place (3,384 cM), the 1st cousin in 2nd place (516 cM), and the 3rd cousins are on rank 3rd to 5th. In the second graphic, a last name is entered as a filter (eg “Rittme” for Rittmeyer and Rittmeier), according to which in this example 7 qualified persons are given who are related to the proband.


Grafik 1   -   Matches eines Probanden (Ausgabe Sortierreihenfolge Verwandtschaft nach gemeinsamen Segmenten)
Graphic 1 - Matches of a proband (output sort order kinship according to common segments)

Grafik 2   -   Matches eines Probanden (Filter nach Familiennamen)
Graphic 2 - Matches of a proband (filter by surname)

Graphic 3 shows the origin of the test-person according to his ethnicity (original nationality). In the present example, 41% of the probands' ancestors come from the British Isles, 22% from Scandinavia, 22% from Western and Central Europe and 13% from Eastern Europe. 


Grafik 3   -   Herkunft des Probanden (Ursprungsvölker)
Graphic 3 - Origin of the proband (original peoples)

Graphic 4 provides an overview of the number of common segments and total length of all common segments between selected persons. The evaluation suggests that the first 5 person, all descended from ancestors from West Prussia, are related to the last two persons whose ancestors came from Nesselröden (Lower Saxony). 


Grafik 4   -   Matrix verwandtschaftlicher Beziehungen
Grafik 4 - Matrix of family relationships



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 (As of:13.12.2021)